
Every single day since Clutter Free was published, we have heard from at least one person that is getting free from their clutter in physical and emotional, and even spiritual and relational ways. From Clutter Free the book, to Finally Clutter Free events and now eCourses like Kickstart to Clutter Free, the transformation and lasting impression on the lives of people all around the world is inspiring.
Below is a small sampling of emails, comments and posts we’ve gotten in just the last 13 months.
I was not prepared for the emotional relief that would come from decluttering. I had no idea how much brain space the stress associated with clutter took up. I feel like I have more hours in the day and more energy now that I’m finally free.
There are several blessings of this process that I’d like to share.
1. I have a clean house. Everything has an assigned space. And it takes two minutes to put it all back. My pile of weekly papers I go through on Fridays and it’s dealt with. No carrying over to the next week.
2. In clearing out some of my closets, boxes, Christmas decor, etc. I was able to bless others. I gave away items that didn’t mean much to me but became a treasure to someone else. Families who had multiple children were thrilled to receive “hand me ups” from my kids. A young married couple with two littles loved that I gave their sons a Christmas stuffed animal each; they felt so loved. Even strangers on my local neighborhood Facebook page were so grateful the deep discounted prices on items I was listing on items they were saving up for. One lady lost her husband a year ago and I gave her something that reminded me of him. She was beyond moved. Not only at what it represented but that she knew I loved her and thought of her during this difficult time.
3. My family is happier. I’ve always believed that your home should be the resort oasis you want to come to every day. It’s no fun for the family to be nagged to do all the chores/cleaning all the time. Yes, there are the weekly responsibilities that we do every Thursday (so we don’t spend our weekend together cleaning) but our home seems so much more tidy that there is a weight limed. (See the vision of opening a closet door and all the stuff come piling down. No one wants to go to the game closet to get the games).
4. I no longer have the excuse “I have to clean my house” and I’m at the gym 3 days a week with the neighbor. Yesterday at our Sunday Bible Class, one lady shared that the week following the Clutter Free event the storage rafters in her garage collapsed on top of their car. (This was a sign!! Lol!) luckily the insurance paid for the car, and now they are motivated to be clutter free. And then she brought in a case of extra dishes to share with anyone in the class who could use them. (That spirit of generosity again!) Then a lady at my table said “I pay for a storage unit every month for all my stuff.” And I was able to gently present the question, “I wonder how many people you could love on with that money, in the name of Jesus?” Which was what we were talking about in our class based on Frances Chan’s book Crazy Love. It paused her to wonder. Now I can easily find My Husband is a Hottie tshirt to wear on Valentine’s Day.
I just wanted to say Thank You. Thank you for inspiration to change families one closet at a time, family dinner time with your meal planning, marriages with encouragement to pray and to have fun with your spouse. Thank you for your humor, your big laugh and your authenticity about your life journey. You are being all God made you to be and it gives freedom to women to do the same in a world that is so critical of us as a gender, especially in the Christian world (go figure!).
I have learned so much through this process about the ways clutter affects not only my house but my body and my mental health too. I am learning to let go of stuff that before had a hold on my I didn’t even realize. I am so grateful to be on this journey with all of you!
I loved “Kickstart to Clutter Free” academy! I started at the end of December and finally watched the final video tonight. Since the end of December I have given away or thrown away >885 items! Whoa! This is in addition to 100’s of items finding their home. It’s like a burden has lifted from my back and a cloud has lifted from my mind bringing clarity. The truth is this just scratches the surface of our clutter, but I am inspired by the progress.
In the process I found Pop Up Tape Dispenser refills (had it on my shopping list for weeks without being able to find in the store – wahoo!); free coupons (free frosted sugar cookies; free junior Frosty’s; even one that is dinner for 2 at a restaurant I have never eaten at, but heard good things about!); and cash – way more than the cost of the class!
I feel less hesitant to invite someone in my door – even invited a mentor over for coffee rather than meeting in a shop and spending more than the class cost! We had a wonderful conversation – it allowed more intimacy than a public location! So thank you, thank you, thank you! I am motivated & excited! I am launching into what I’m going to call “Foto February” – in the declutter process I found 7 boxes & tubs of photos / albums / frames plus stacks of more…. They are all positioned under our 6’ folding table and ready for February to start tomorrow – I am eager to sort & declutter them & SEE them!